Who do you think the Knicks are going to sign in the Summer of 2010

The Worlds Best Franchise

The Worlds Best Franchise

Friday, June 12, 2009

Preview of the 2009-2010 season.

The goal for an NBA franchise every year is to at least make the playoffs and so do the Knicks. It has been eight years and counting since the Knicks last playoff appearance. Going into the season the Knicks hope to make the playoffs, and are looking forward to breaking this current streak.

First comes the NBA Draft on June 25th, and the Knicks need to pick a player who fits well in there system and who is willing to come in NY. They are looking at Syracuse's Johnny Flynn and Davidson's Stephen Curry. The Knicks cant go wrong with either player in my opinion, both of them can contribute at an NBA level right now.

Next is the Free Agency period where money is thrown to players and players are over valued. The Knicks need to do the opposite of what I just stated and dont spend a lot of money. The Knicks are now under the cap finally and now need to stay under the cap for the 2010 free agency class but that is a whole different story. The Knicks have two restricted free agents that they definitely need to address Nate Robinson and David Lee. To make a long story short don't over pay for Nate Robinson and retain David Lee if possible.

Before the season the Knicks need to work hard training camp and hope that overlaps into the season. Hopefully Danillo Gallanari will be healthy so they can fully utilize him.

Hard work always pays of and the coach always preaches that.

Playoffs for the first time in eight years(hopefully)
David Lee becomes an all star and fully develops his game
Players from a better relationship and the Knicks go through the season without no drama!!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Top five Players in Knicks History!!

Many great players have come through the gardens doors and played on its floors. New York is the basketball capital of the world. The Knicks have three of the top 50 greatest NBA players. In the city of New York basketball is played daily and not just amongst the NBA players. This is a basketball town and they take pride in there sport.

It takes a special player to become great in New York. New York is like no other town and a player must have thick skin. The media here are very harsh and expect results in a rapid time.

Patrick Ewing is first on my list for the Knicks best player ever to play in the blue and orange. During Patrick Ewing's stint with the Knicks he was the best player in the NBA in my opinion. Although Patrick Ewing did not win an NBA championship with the Knicks he still had many individual accomplishments that succeed all former and current Knicks. Coming out of Georgetown University many people did not think he was going to be the all star he turned out to be. Ever since Patrick left the Knicks they have not found a big man since. In the 90's the Knicks were one of the best teams out there and if weren't for Micheal Jordan and the Bulls winning six in that decade the Knicks would have one.

Walt " Clyde " Frazier is second on my list after Patrick Ewing. Walt Frazier was a one of the most complete players in the NBA's history. Walt Frazier had the most triple doubles in Knicks franchise history and contributed to the Knicks success in the 70's. Walt Frazier was perhaps the best players on the Knicks championship teams. Walt Frazier brought the Knicks its first ever championship which few have ever done. That is the ultimate goal that you want to accomplish when you go to a franchise and Walt Frazier did it. He is better known as " Clyde " because is unique style when he dressed up. Clyde will be loved forever and is now a Knicks broadcaster.

Willis Reed is third on my list for one of the Knicks greatest players. Willis Reed and Walt Frazier was the tag team that couldn't be defeated that is why they produced two championships. Willis Reed was known as the conductor. He controlled the paint and was the defensive king. He is most famous for his game in the Championship when he got injured and came back on to the court limping and he still played the rest of the game and helped the Knicks win. Willis Reed is one of the NBA's 50 greatest players which puts him on top of the Knicks dept chart.

Earl Monroe is fourth on my list for one of the Knicks greatest players. Earl Monroe was probably the flashiest player in Knicks history. Better known as Earl the Pearl Monroe paired perfectly with Walt Frazier in the back court. Monroe was an excellent scorer and probably the best pure scorer in Knicks history. That is what made him and Walt Frazier the best pair in the back court. To bad Monroe didn't spend his whole career with the Knicks. However while he was here he brought excitement on the court and had fun while he played the game.

Stephon Marbury is fifth on my list as one of the Knicks greatest players. Many people might disagree with me on this selection but I will prove to you the audience why Starbury is one of the Knicks greatest players. Coming to New York Stephon Marbury had a bad reputation. In his first year in NY he brought the team to the playoffs and that season he averaged 20 points and 9 assits. Stephon Marbury, Magic Johnson and The Big O Oscar Robertson are the only players in NBA history to average 20 points and 8 assists there whole career. Even though the Knicks and Marbury had an bad break up he is still a very talented player who had a great NBA career.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Athleticism, Athletic, Agility, the 3 A's the Knicks are in need of

The hardest thing in the NBA to find is a pure Big man who is productive every night. The Knicks have had that since the days of Patrick Ewing.The Knicks had plenty if big men since that error. Marcus Camby, Nazi Mohammad, Dikembe Mutombo, Kurt Thomas, Jerome James, and Eddy Curry. None of these big men stayed in New York a very long time, event though Eddy Curry is still on the Knicks roster he doesn't play and he is on his way out. Perhaps Nene who the Knicks drafted was there best big man however he never played a single game in New York since he was traded on draft day to the Nuggets.

David Lee played the center position for the Knicks this season and he is only 6'9. David Lee did an excellent job however he is not a real big man.

In Mike Dantoni's offense he has to have a skilled big man who can do multiple things and I'm not just talking about scoring in the post. In Dantoni's offense a big man has to be able to run the floor, be agile, and have good mobility. In Phoenix Mike Dantoni had Amare Stodemire who was one of the best big men in the league. Stodemire can run the floor, shoot from the perimeter and play solid defense. The big man is the second most important factor in Dantoni's offense.

In New York the Knicks don't have anything to compare to Amare Stodemire and what he produces on a nightly bases. The Knicks don't have a big man who can compare to Amare Stodemire and what he can do.

Jerome James has done nothing since he signed that 5 year contract with the Knicks and he is always injured. He lacks the skills needed to succeed in New York. Eddy Curry is a very skilled big man in the post however he is not very athletic and he had trouble staying in shape. Mike Dantoni will be looking for a Big man in the future because he knows without one a team cannot win. The presents of a dominate big man is crucial to a franchise and hopefully the Knicks will find there's very soon.

Pass first guards..... Crawford and Marbury gone!!!

Mike Dantoni are very hard on his point guards and expects a lot out of them. Where Mike Dantoni came from he had one of the best guards in the whole NBA. Steve Nash is a coaches dream point guard and any coach would love to have him. Steve Nash ran the Suns offense with perfection and was a two time MVP while Dantoni was coaching him. Steve Nash was the assists King three years in a row and he was certainly a pass first point guard.

The reason why I discussed about Steve Nash so much is that he is the nucleus of the offense that Mike Dantoni had so much success with. Also he is a pass first point.

The New York Knicks lack a pass first point guard on the roster. All of there guard that were on there roster when Mike Dantoni got hired were scoring guards such as, Stephon Marbury, Jamal Crawford and Nate Robinson. Mike Dantoni new that some of these guards had to removed from the team in order for the system to hit its full potential.

Stephon Marbury had already played for Dantoni and of course they bumped heads due to his lack of passing the ball. I disagree with Dantoni on the way he views Stephon Marbury. Marbury is averaging 8 assits for his whole career and 20 points. Only the Big O and Magic Johnson have done that yes I said Marbury and Magic in the same sentence. Since Dantoni didn't agree with the way that Marbury plays he decided to bench him.

When Jamal Crawford came to the New York Knicks he was known for having hot potato hands with the basketball. Every time Crawford received the ball it was almost a given that he was going to shoot it or commit a turnover. However Jamal Crawford did calm down with his out-of-control ways on the court and became more aware of what he was doing on the court. Mike Dantoni loved Crawford but some time questioned his clock management and his shot selection. Crawford's case was different from Marbury's and Mike Dantoni would have probably kept him if it wasn't for how much money he was making. Therefore Crawford was traded to the Golden State Warriors.

As far as Nate Robinson's situation with Dantoni, it is improving daily. Nate was one of the lucky ones who didn't get traded. Dantoni loved Nate's energy and the way he played the game which was hard all the time. Also Nate played control most of the year and became the Knicks go to player down the stretch of games. Robinson had a terrific year and improved as a player all around.

Mike Dantoni hopes to find a well rounded point guard who was similar to Steve Nash. Even though Chris Duhon did a great job and he out played his contract Mike Dantoni needs an all star type guard who is well rounded and a good decision maker.

Monday, June 8, 2009

How do the Knicks become a playoff team??

Making it to the playoffs would energize this town and Knicks fans all over the world. The playoffs are something the Knicks haven't seen in eight whole years. The last time the Knicks were in the playoffs I was in the third grade and I was eight years old. I am now in the 10th grade and a I am 15 years old. That is a long time for a team to miss the playoffs in consecutive seasons.

A lot is going to have happen for the Knicks to make the playoffs in the near future. They were in the running for a playoff spot a couple of those eight years that they missed the playoffs. Even though the Eastern Conference became weaker and weaker every year the Knicks still couldn't find away to get over the hump and become playoff bound.

The last winning season that the Knicks had was in the 2000-01 season. Although they went to the playoffs they still had a losing record which show how weak there conference was. It seems like almost every team has a deplorable time which they are losing a lot such as the Hawks, Suns, Cavs and Jazz, however they turn it around and become a productive team. The Knicks have been bad for a long time now and people are starting to lose faith in the team if they ever even had any.

When the Knicks did go to the playoffs which Stephon Marbury led them to they got swept by the Nets in the first round.

Multiple things are going to have to change for the Knicks to make the playoffs. First good decisions from the President of Basketball Operations Donnie Walsh. He must lead the team and put the talent out there on the floor for the Knicks to be successful.

After that the Coach must be able to bring the team together and form the chemistry that every sports team must have. Also the Coach must be able to gel in with the players and aI think Mike Dantoni is the perfect guy for that. Since he was a former player he would understand what players go through sometimes and how difficult the NBA can get.

Then finally it all trickles down to the player and how much the players want. All the players on the existing roster must be willing to give up there own personal goals for the team goal. Also all of the players must be dedicated to the team and they must want to play in New York. Playing hard is a key component to a winning basketball team and you dont have to be talented to play hard all of the time and give 1oo%.

If all of these components work together smoothly the Knicks should be able to compete for a playoff spot.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

In need of Allstar talent!!

Perhaps the summer of 2010 will be the biggest summer in the Knicks franchise history. This summer means a lot and it is crucial that the Knicks leave this summer with not one but two All star type players on the roster. There will be many high calabore players that will be either unrestricted free agents or restricted free agents. The list is mind blowing and it includes Lebron James, Dwayne Wade, Chris Bosh, Amare Stodemire, Yao Ming, Manu Gonibli, Dirk Nowitzki, Joe Johnson and Steve Nash. Wow!! There are a lot of young players in that group and a mixture of some veterans to. This may turn out to a win win situation for the Knicks.

I am pretty sure that there will be players out there that are willing to sport the Blue and Orange.

There is mixture of strong guards and productive big men in this free agent class. The Knicks need somebody who has thick skin and some one who can handle the pressure and the expectations that comes with being in New York because the media can be very tough. Most players don't succeed here in the big apple due to all of pressure.

The Knicks can offer a Lebron James or an Dwayne Wade a lot. If a player like that comes here they will be immediately put on a pedestal and will own this town. New York is very different from lets say a Cleveland or a Toronto. If a player does good in this city that means the whole world will be aware of it and more. The amount of endorsements that a player can receive is outstanding.

Hopefully the Knicks will get somebody who wants to be here and somebody who will succeed here because this city is dying for a superstar.

Monday, June 1, 2009

The Italian Stallion has made his mark!!!

When the Knicks fired Isiah Thomas from the helm of there organization and hired former Indiana Pacers President of Basketball Operations Donnie Walsh they were immediately looking for a new coach. Mike Dantoni was in the first round of the playoffs against the Spurs.

Dantoni had won 50 games in three straight years as the Suns head coach. He also was coach of the year and was voted by the players as the coach that you would most likely want to be coached by. Dantoni is a players coach who knows the game of basketball. He also played in Italy for numerous years and was a very good player during his time. Which shows that he has made the transition from a former player to a NBA coach. Since Dantoni gets along well with his players he has a unique relationship with them especially since he is former player so he would understand. Dantoni brought energy to the building and just his presents was a good thing because he wasn't a loser from where he came from, and that is what the Knicks have been used to " Losing "

It was no joking matter when Dantoni discussed the state of the franchise and where it is heading.

Dantoni new that the job to turn this franchise around was going to be difficult and a hard task bu he was open to the challenge which excited most Knick Fans. Dantoni was sure going to the change the offense and the Knicks playing style. The first thing he did was draft Danillo Gallanari who is from Italy and has a European game, which is something the Knicks had not had in a long time. This was a culture change in the garden. Then Dantoni sign Chris Duhon who was a backup point guard with the Chicago Bulls. Duhon gave the Knicks a pass first point guard who they haven't had in multiple years.

The system that Dantoni was going to run was so different from the previous one ran by Isiah Thomas. It was so successful and recognized all over the basketball world that it got its own nick name called " seven seconds or less." Which was the system he ran in Phoenix where he went to the conference finals and won 50 games three straight seasons.

Everyone new without a doubt the Knicks were going to be more exciting to watch and stop becoming the laughing stock of the league. However people didn't know how that will translate into wins.

Even though the Knicks did not have a winning season many players grew under the coaching of Dantoni and the camaraderie amongst the players was good and improved drastically from the previous seasons. The fans and the media noticed that players wanted to be on the court and wanted to win, also everyone played hard.

Dantoni did an awesome job this season and changed the culture around the culture and really gave Knicks fans to look forward to something.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

How did Nate Become Great?

How cant someone like the way little Nate Rob plays. His energy and enthusiasm just electrifies the crowd every night. Nate Robinson came to the Knicks on a draft day trade which sent Kurt Thomas to the Suns for the Suns 21st pick which was Nate Robinson and Quentin Richardson.

Nate's first wasn't to good and people were annoyed with his style of play. Nate did not play with his head and made numerous mistakes in key situations in the NBA game. Nate played out of control and sometimes didn't know where he was going with the ball. This lead to him getting benched. He was the same way in college at the University of Washington. The question wasn't if he was good enough it was if he can control his self.

The New York crowd became in love with 5'9 point guard. However they also had no idea what he was doing on the court at times. It all comes with maturity and time to adapt to the NBA game.

Also Nate had an attitude problem and would sometime show up his team mates on the court which was unprofessional. In the summer of his rookie year Nate new that he needed to work on his game management abilities and his Personality on the court. He use to try to show up the other teams players when he scored on them or caught a highlight reel dunk which was amazing.

In Nate's sophomore season he became more mature. However he still at times was out of control. Nate also gave the city to talk about because the Knicks were losing he was the talk of the town . Nate also won the slam dunk challenge that year.

When Mike Dantoni was hired as the Knicks head coach Nate Robinson was one of those players who minutes and production was sure to go up because of the type of offense Dantoni runs.
Robinson came into this previous more focus and level headed. He now played under control enough to rum the point guard position, and with the departure of Jamal Crawford and Stephon Marbury, Robinson became the Knicks go to guy at the end of the game.

Robinson averaged 17 points 4 rebounds and 4 assists in the 08-09 season. he also won his second Slam Dunk Challenge.

This year Robinson is a free agent and will command a lot of money on the open and will receive a lot of money because his evolution of being immature on the court to being mature.

Friday, May 29, 2009

The Evolution of Wilson Chandler

If there is one thing that Isiah Thomas was good at it was drafting NBA ready players. Many Knicks fans were in doubt about the selection of Wilson Chandler with the 23rd pick in the draft. Thomas thought very highly of Chandler and it seemed that he was the only one who believed in his abilities. Chandler came out of Temple University. He wasn't highly scouted and many people never heard of him before the NBA draft. The 6'7 small forward was coming into a Big City and was the Knicks first pick in the draft. Chandler also had a lot of pressure on his shoulders.

How would Chandler fair out?

In Chandler's first year as a NBA player he didn't received a lot of playing time. Also Chandler did experience a lot of winning, the team went 23-59 in Chandler's first year. Wilson Chandler would go numerous games on the inactive list, and if he wasn't on inactive list then he was left sitting on the bench all game. His confidence was shot and also affected him when he got into the game.

Lights, Camera, Action and Chandler was not ready when that happen. The media also affective Chandler. New York's media is like no other around the globe. Nothing compares to the type of pressure players face when they come to the New York Knicks. Only a real player with thick skin can survive, and that was Chandler's problem in the beginning of his career. He wanted to please everyone and as and NBA player you cant do that. You just have to forget about everything and just play the game of basketball.

Mid season of Chandler's rookie year he was lost and people begin to give up on him. Even when he got on the court, he was tentative and was thinking instead of reacting to every play. However Isiah Thomas didn't give up on him and said that he is still in the Knicks plans.

Now the Knicks were out of playoff hunt and multiple games under .500. Thomas Began to play all of the younger players and this was Chandler's chance to show what he has on a consistent bases with about 25 games. Chandler averaged about 15 points the rest of the way and opened people eyes with his athleticism and his ability to defend on the perimeter.

Wilson worked on his game in the summer and got even better. In the Las Vegas Summer League Chandler was even better. he was much faster, quicker and his awareness of the game improved. Chandler averaged 20 points in the summer.

With the hiring of Mike Dantoni it was almost a given that Chandler would take his game to the next level because of the open offense that Dantoni runs.

Dantoni compared Chandler to Shawn Marion which said a lot about his improvement in his game

In his sophomore season Chandler went to the Rookies vs Sophomores game. He averaged 15 points the whole season and earned himself a starting spot in the lineup.

Chandler in a blink of an eye became one of the Knicks best players and his confidence soared to the roof and so did his overall game.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The 2009 Free Agency Class

It is not a lot of talent in the upcoming free agency period. The have a couple of unrestricted free agents on there roster, such as two rising stars David Lee and Nate Robinson new system

The Knicks first need to address both of those situations. David Lee flourished under the new system brought upon by Mike Dantoni. David Lee averaged 17 points and 11 rebounds. Most people thought that David Lee would struggle because he lacked an offensive game, however he proved all of the doubters wrong, by improving his jump shot entirely. The Knicks are not sure if they want to pay David Lee alot of money due to the fact that this is his first year producing these numbers. Also the Knicks dont want to over pay David Lee.

There will be many teams in the contention for Lee's services . Lee can do multiple things such as rebound the ball shoot at a high percentage and play tough defense.

The Knicks should match any teams offer to David Lee because he is a good player who is only going to get better and he is a hard worker. David Lee does not come with bagged and the Knicks be able to trust him when they give him the big dollars. This is the first move the Knicks should do in the off season.

Nate Robinson is a young energetic player who can score 20 points on any give night. Nate Robinson has matured over the past couple of years, from a shoot first PG to a PG that plays under control and has good judgement. Nate Robinson averaged 17 points 4 rebounds and 4 assists. He gets the crowd hype and plays hard on every single play. His attitude has improved drastically.

I think the Knicks should try to resign Nate Robinson however they should not over pay him. If another team goes over the Knicks price limit then the Knicks should let Nate Robinson go. Nate Robinson should take a pay cut because this is where he started his career.

What ever happened to Eddy Curry?

The Knicks should try to market Curry value as best as they can because Eddy Curry does not fit into the Knicks future plans. In the off season the Knicks should definitely try to trade Eddy Curry as soon as Possible.

If the Knicks feel that they can get better by making a move in free agency. However they should not spend a boat load of money.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Picking at 8!!

The Knicks have experienced some good and bad draft picks. Isiah Thomas was an expert at picking young players such as Tracy Mcgrady, Damon Stodimire, David Lee, Trevor Ariza and Nate Robinson. All of these players are starting players on a NBA roster.

In Donnie Walsh's first draft in New York, he picked Danillo Gallanri which many people think that was mistake.

The Knicks went into the lottery hoping to get the number 1 pick however they didn't and as projected the Knicks were 8th in the lottery with the Clippers getting the number 1 pick and they already said who they were picking, which is highly talented Blake Griffin.

Most scouts think that Spain's Ricky Rubio would be the perfect pick for the New York Knicks and he will fit right into the Knicks plans. And if they don't trade up to get him the Knicks should select Stephen Curry who is the son of former NBA payer Dell Curry.

In my opinion the have three options. The first one is to try to trade up in the draft to select Ricky Rubio who is being compared to a young Pete Merevich. Ricky Rubio would flourish in the Knicks playing style.

If the Knicks can't trade up in the draft they should select Stephen Curry who is a pure scorer and will give the Knicks many options at the point guard position. However Curry needs to get stronger and his decision making needs to improve.

If Stephen Curry isn't there the Knicks should trade down in the draft and just gain multiple picks. Even though the Knicks don't have a pick in the 2010 the Knicks should still trade down.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Another lossing Season!!

The Knicks were going into the 08-2009 season looking to improve in multiple aspects of there overall game. Eventhough they had there 7th straight losing season there were still some positives that came out of the season

With the firing of Isiah Thomas who was running the organization for multiple years and has experience seven losing season in a row. The Knicks brought in Donnie Walsh, was at the helm of the Indiana Pacers organization. Donnie Walsh fired Isiah Thomas, then later hired former Suns coach Mike Dantoni. The Knicks Drafted a rookie from Italy by the name of Danillo Gallinari, who they thought into the run and gun style offense. The Knicks were not very sure what to do with there star player Stephon Marbury who hadn't played in over a year. Which made it more interesting was that the Knicks signed Chris Duhon. Most people were not sure if the Knicks had the right personal to run this type of offense.

The Knicks did not play Stephon Marbury in the first couple games, then they just sent him home. The Knicks got off to a hot start by going 6-1 in there first seven games. Everyone was excited and there was no drama involved. The Knicks did hit a dry spell where they 5 in a row, however anything is better then last seasons record. The Knicks goal was to get under the cap for 2010. Therefore They traded Jamal Crawford and Zach Randolph who were there leading scorers. This dramatically affected the team in many ways. The positive thing was that the knicks released a lot of money by trading these high profile players.

Now a quarter through the season the Knicks had to fit Al Harrington and Tim Thomas into there game plan. Tim Thomas previously played with Mike Dantoni in Phoenix, also the Knicks acquired Cuttino Mobley in the trade, however he was forced to retire due to previous heart problems. The new coach was upbeat about the new team wanted to get everyone acquainted with there roles.

How would the New York Knicks react to this trade?

It was proven that the team could not handle that much adversity yet. Therefore the Knicks went 2-8 in there next 10 games. It wasn't time for panic and that is exactly what the Knicks did.

Also the Knicks roster was depleted. Stephon Marbury was gone, Eddy Curry, Danillo Gallanari and Cuttino Mobley were injured, and to add on top of that Mike Dantoni only played about 7 to 8 players a night.

By the All star break the Knicks had 21 wins which meant they were way on pace to overlap there previous record. Wilson Chandler and Nate Robinson were invited to all star weekend and David Lee almost mad the all star team.

However by the trade deadline the Knicks again were revamped in two trades. One trade sent forward Malik Rose to the thunder for Chris Wilcox, and the other one sent newly acquired Tim Thomas, Anthony Roberson and Jerome James to Chicago for Larry Hughes.

There was no doubt that this made the Knicks a better team all around however the bigger question was how would the Knicks react to this for the second time.

Again the Knicks failed to get in sink with the new players, and it took them a while to get to know each other.

Also the highly thought of draft pick of the Knicks Danillo Gallanari returned and immediately contributed to the team with his outstanding shooting.

Then the Knicks were hit by injuries which included Chris Duhon and Eddy Curry. Chris Duhon was in the top five in the whole NBA fro minutes played, which eventually caught up to him. Larry Hughes was very inconstant and would score 30 points on game and 5 the next game. Nate Robinson, David Lee, and Wilson Chandler were the real bright spots for the Knicks this season.

David Lee improved on his jump shot drastically, Nate Robinson played under control and Wilson Chandler played with more heart. David Lee averaged 17 points and 11 rebounds, Nate Robinson average 17 points and Wilson Chandler averaged 14 points. Chris Duhon out played his contract by averaging 12 points and 7 assist. Al Harrington who was the Knicks leading scorer averaged 20 points and was a great team player. Gallanari has a bright future ahead of him and really was hit by injuries the whole season. However he is a rare talent. Gallanari is 6'11 and he can shoot, dribble and pass. He needs to get stronger and speed his game up to the NBA game speed.

Although the Knicks did not reach there goal and finished the season 32-50 which granted them there 8th losing season in a row, they still improved there roster and set them selves up for the future which wasn't happening with the previous administration.